On-demand Training and Exclusive Membership Plans
1. On-demand Stay Mentally Healthy Training
2. Exclusive Stay Mentally Healthy Membership Plan
1. On-demand Stay Mentally Healthy Training - This comprehensive on-demand course provides a deep dive into the Self Empowerment Journey (SEJ) Process, a cutting-edge, rapid, and proven 4-step method. Participants will acquire the necessary skills to enhance their mental well-being, tackle mild to moderate mental health issues, and find their happiness. The course is unique to a person's life situations as it addresses personal worries and concerns, covering all areas of life from relationships, financial worries, loss, depression, health, career, purpose and more. The outcome is a life filled with empowerment, equipping individuals with the strength and resilience to thrive in any circumstance and reach their full potential. Weekly support is included through live SEJ Practice Workshops where you can bring your questions, obtain practice corrections and share your experiences with others.
This training option provides a wonderful opportunity to immerse yourself in the SEJ Process, to replay the training and revisit it anytime over a period of 6 weeks.
Lessons 1-4 – learn the theory behind the SEJ Process with interactive course elements bringing self-awareness.
Lesson 5-6 – practice the SEJ Process as you apply the process to key areas of your life bringing about mental wellbeing and the ability to reach your full potential in all areas of life.
Each lesson lasts approximately 45-60 minutes although we advise taking more time to truly absorb these powerful teachings. Once you register you will have access to your own downloadable Self Empowerment Journey Handbook to document your unique Self Empowerment Journey.
The training plan includes:
1- Unlimited access to the SEJ Process pre-recorded training
2- Unlimited access to live weekly SEJ Practice Workshops for the duration of your plan, providing ongoing support.
3- Unlimited access to online resources
4- A private Facebook community where you can ask questions about your SEJ Practice, share your experiences, receive updates and interact with our group experts.
2. Exclusive Stay Mentally Healthy Membership Plan - By becoming a member, you will be supporting our initiatives in creating a mentally healthy world, thank you! For your continued support you will receive unlimited access to the on-demand SEJ Process Training Programme and enjoy exclusive member benefits as given below for the duration of your plan.
Our fees - We keep our prices as low as possible to cover our essential costs, you can make an additional donation anytime or join as an Exclusive Member to support our work. If you are a student wishing to access either service you can apply for access and a student discount at your educational setting. Thank you.
Ondemand Stay Mentally Healthy Training
75£Learn the skills required for maintaining mental wellbeing at your own pace and with ongoing support, enabling you to achieve your full potential.Valid for 6 weeks- Unlimited Access to on-demand SEJ Process Course
- Unlimited Access to SEJ Process Resources
- Unlimited Access to Live Weekly SEJ Practice Workshops
- Unlimited Access to SEJ Private Online Community
EXCLUSIVE SMH Membership Plan
45£Every monthBecome an exclusive member and you'll be supporting us to create a mentally healthy world!- Exclusive Members Benefits include:
- Unlimited Access to on-demand SEJ Process Course
- Unlimited Access to SEJ Process Resources
- Unlimited Access to Live Weekly SEJ Practice Workshops
- Unlimited Access to SEJ Private Online Community
- Private Members Community - Monthly Meet Up
- Free Bonus Monthly Event - a different one each month
- 50% discount on private 1-1 consultations
- Special Offers for Exclusive Members Only