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'Stay Mentally Healthy' Campaign...
With over 25 years’ experience empowering individuals through the SEJ Process to ‘stay mentally healthy’.
Like-minded Organisations
Promoting the works of like-minded organisations that share our values and align with our services enables us to adopt a holistic approach to wellbeing.
Our likeminded organisations include:
Isha Foundation
The unique yoga programmes offered by the Isha Foundation, many of which are free, work beautifully alongside the SEJ Process training.
Isha Foundation - yoga uk - Free Yoga
Free services via the app - Free meditations, daily wisdom, music.
Eckhart Tolle Foundation
The teachings of Eckhart and in particular the book 'The Power of Now', is a wonderful guide to living in the now. It is a great accompaniment to the SEJ Process which provides a framework within which to live consciously, develop awareness, and presence.
Eckhart Tolle Foundation - Free Teachings